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UoM Melbourne School of Design, Australia, Studio Tutor

2021- Ongoing. I am a tutor of MSD's Studio Alpha on Urban Terrains. 


PUC School of Architecture, Chile, Adjunct Assistant Professor
2018-2019. I was the designer and lecturer of the Modernism in the East course at the MArch on the history of modern architecture in less visible contexts than the European or American.

PUC School of Architecture, Chile, Head of the Cultural Heritage Programme
2016-2019. I was the head and the studio leader of this postgraduate course. I was in charge of the design of its curriculum and contents, as well as of evaluating the performance of the lecturers in relation to the programme’s expected outcomes.

KU Leuven, Belgium, Studio Leader
2019. I was invited to teach at the International Summer School KU Leuven. I guided a group of international students of the ‘Revisiting the Flemish Modern Project Studio’

UMAYOR School of Architecture, Chile, Studio Leader
2018. As a guest studio leader, I guided 21 projects of fifth-year architecture students.

PUC School of Architecture, Chile, Instructor Professor
2013-2018. I was the instructor professor of the MArch’s Thesis Studio (2016) and the BArch’s (hons) Thesis Studio (2013-2014), the Research Studio (2014) and the Modern Architecture History subject (2017-2018).

Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Germany, Guest Lecturer
2017. I was invited to present my lecture ‘(Un)predictable interactions between historical buildings and the natural environment’ as part of the Dessauer Gespräche conferences.

PUC School of Architecture, Chile, Teaching Fellow
2011-2012. I was a tutor at the BArch’s fifth-year Professional Studio (2011-2012).


Melbourne School of Design

Glyn Davis Building, of.447.
Melbourne, Australia.

VIC 3051

© 2021 by Guillermo Rojas. 


Email: g.rojasalfaro at unimelb dot edu dot au

IG: @making.the.invisible.visible



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